Niranjela & Michael

I was so excited when Niranjela sent me images of a Mohawk hairstyle!

As a bridal hairstylist it is so hard to really understand someone's character in such a short space of time. Nijanjela came for a trial with her lovely mum, wanting a half up half down style. Her beautiful long hair was almost waist length, fine but curly with lots of texture. When she got home she realised that the style was not quite right with her dress and her personality, and it was difficult for her to fit in another trial.

Niranjela sent me an image of a Mohawk style, which was so completely different to what we had practised, so perfect for her, lasted all day and evening and such fun to do. Changing hairstyle last minute does not phase me at all, as long I know the type of hair and length will do the style. I love a challenge! I think the message here is to.... 'Be true to yourself and don't be afraid to go for it!' 



Niranjela's Kind Words

"I had a hair trial with LIz who interpreted the style I had chosen perfectly, however, when I got home I realised it wasn't quite me and didn't suit my outfit. I sent Liz the picture of a Mohawk style and hoped for the best on my wedding day. Liz also did my mum's hair just by images I sent over. Needless to say, I was worried, but both my mum and myself were extremely happy with the results on the day."


Images    Millar Cole Photography
Makeup    Harriet Rainbow
Dress    Bibi London
Suit   Dress2Kill
Kent Wedding Venue Honnington Farm


Gemma & Dan


Lucy & Adam